Song(s) of the Day
Again, it's been quite some time since I've uploaded any songs for my Song of the Day feature. It should be more like "Song of the Week" or "Song of Month." hehe...I'm sorry. I lost track of it again. Today, my songs choices are chosen because a friend of mine requested them. Hope you guys like it. Enjoy!
Song #1: 水中仙 aka theme to TVB's Where the Legend Begins
Singer: Steven Ma 馬浚偉
Download HereSong #2: 流沙 aka Sub-theme to WTLB
Singer(s): Steven Ma 馬浚偉 and Rain Li 李彩樺
Download HereSong #3: 惜花 aka Sub-theme to WTLB
Singer: Priscilla Koo 顧紀筠
Download Here
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: Officially Over!
How depressing today is! The final final day of my Dance of Passion Countdown. (sniff sniff) It’s all over! It’s been quite a long time since I’ve done anything but DOP lately. Going to be hard to get back in the routine of translating, etc. (sigh) A new month, a new start. Oh well…Thanks for counting down with me, and enjoy my final post. =)
Top 10 Reasons You should watch DOP
1.) You are a major TVB fan
2.) You are a major fan of the cast (recap: Ada Choi, Bowie Lam, Gigi Lai, Moses Chan, Charmaine Sheh, Maggie Siu, etc.)
3.) Just out of curiosity
4.) You have nothing else good to watch
5.) A friend recommended it (has good taste)
6.) You were a major WAB fan
7.) You find DOP to be new and refreshing
8.) You want to see someone get slap (cough…Charmaine or Gigi)
9.) You want to see “the scream” (rolls eyes)
10.) You’ll watch it just so I would quit talking =P
Top 10 Reasons You should NOT watch DOP1.) You’re NOT a TVB fan (if you’re reading this, I think you are)
2.) You’re NOT a fan of the cast (recap: Ada Choi, Bowie Lam, Gigi Lai, Moses Chan, Charmaine Sheh, Maggie Siu, etc.)
3.) You’re curious, but not enough to actually watch DOP
4.) You have better series to watch or re-watch (aka DIF IV, Square Pegs, Burning Flame, etc.)
5.) Your friend recommended it (has bad taste)
6.) You hated War & Beauty, so expects DOP to be about the same
7.) You find DOP to be dry and dusty *I personally need to drink some water every time I look at its images*
8.) You don’t want to see someone get slap (wait! slap?! That’s still a good reason to watch! Never mind)
9.) You don’t want to watch the “scream” ;-)
10.) You won’t watch it because I won’t quit talking =D
*Okay, that’s it for my finale of the Dance of Passion countdown. Remember to tune in (or not) this Monday, May 1, 2006 @ 9:00 pm (HK). Hope you guys enjoy the series! Let the Dance of Passion begin!
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: 1 day left!
Yay!! Officially the countdown is winding down to its last…1 (1.5 for some) day! (phew) I’m glad. It’s getting harder and harder for me to think of things to talk about. Come to think of it, after the DOP countdown is over, what am I going to talk about next? lol…been doing this for quite some time now, and suddenly I’ll be having no topic to discuss! I’ll have no purpose to continue on with this blog! hehe…just kidding! I’ve just celebrating its 1st month b-day, no way will I quit now! I’ll just have to be real creative, but I’ll think about it later. =P
The “Predictable” vs. the “Unpredictable” Ratings of DOPRatings are always “unpredictable.” No one will know exactly how great or how bad the ratings would turn out. But for Dance of Passion, it’s a little bit different: it could go both ways. And it may be because of the contribution from our cast. Let see….
Charmaine Sheh (predictable)-I see lots and lots of Charmaine fans wherever I go: in forums, blogs, etc. So I predict Dance of Passion would have high ratings. Right? lol…I don't think so. Although she has an impressive fan base, Charmaine’s series have been a flop in ratings lately. Always Ready (隨時侯命). Awful ratings. Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion (覆雨翻雲). Awful ratings. Dance of Passion? Predictable: Yes, awful ratings?
Maggie Siu (predictable)-I really really don’t see lots of people supporting Maggie Siu that much. And to make it worst, her last TVB series (anniversary I might add), Real Kung Fu (佛山贊師父), was awful awful in its ratings. Very predictable: oh yes! awful ratings. Unpredictable: yes, high ratings?!!
Bowie Lam & Gigi Lai (unpredictable)-I think they are about equal in good and bad ratings. Gigi only has the bad ratings of Healing Hands 3 under her belt, and did okay for The Charm Beneath (胭脂水粉). For Bowie it may be a little bit worse, simply because he’s in Healing Hands 3 and in Always Ready. Unpredictable: yes; average ratings (I'm not too excited about them at all).
Ada Choi (both)-Predictable: yes, good ratings; Ada's ratings with her TVB series have always been pretty good.
-Unpredictable: yes, bad ratings; What! She's been gone for so long, viewers could have forgotten about her (which is kinda hard to believe).
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: 2 days left!
2 days!! So close, but such a long time! (sigh) Well today, I'll be taking a break from any Dance of Passion countdowns. Hey! I'm celebrating! (scroll down to see what I'm talking about) I deserve a little break! hehe... =D Basically, I'm fresh out of ideas on what to do for it. (A great excuse I have!) I really can't think of anything! lol...Oh well. I hope you guys have a safe weekend, and I'll try and see what I can come up by tomorrow! =)
It's time to PARTY! (for me)
TVB Sidsation is officially celebrating it's 1 month old birthday! Yay!! This is a real big deal for me, since it's my first time actually starting something (a blog) and being so consistent (well...most of the time) about it. celebrate, I would like to thank...
YOU! The readers for visiting my blog. Whether you "acidentally" stumbled in here, or you were forced, or you were linked here, or you simply just knew me, I thank you! =)
people and
sites that gave me infos and pics. Love them! Keep it going!
Special thanks to the ones that helped me alot on this blog. The blog's not extravagant (I'm working on it), but you guys still helped me alot (giving me ideas, image editting, or just correcting me!) hehe...=)
1 Month Old Celebration needs a little party, don't you think? And what better way to celebrate than the old Chinese traditional way: Red Eggs!!

Here's a basket full of them. Take one (just imagine) and hope you guys continue supporting me & my "crazy love for TVB" blog! What "sidsation" am I giving you now?! haha...(cough...crazy!" ;-)
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: 3 days left!
Woohoo! 3 days left!! Just to clarify things with everyone, when I mean 3 days, it's Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I don't count today, since I ususally post late in the day. Well... for today, I supposedly didn't have anything to say about Dance of Passion and was very tempted and not post. But like yesterday's, the whole push-shove situation, here I am. Hope you like my today's attempt! hehe....=D
Thirst for PowerWho's not wanting power these days? I assume everyone does, because I know I am! Just about an hour or so ago, I have lost complete control of the usage of the internet, and my laptop! Which was bad. Very very bad news for me. I lost my "power" source. Everything that's me! Again, this incident gave me the idea of today's post referring to none other than Dance of Passion. I lost my power, and I nearly went crazy. How far will the DOP cast go to retain their's or gain more? Let see... (whispers: I only went back to my campus to get my power problem fixed, maybe a 3 minute drive! I have my power back! hehe...=P shhh....)

Yim Kwok Yip (Chung King Fai; King Sir)
In DOP, he's supposed (used to-be) head of the Yim's clan, owner of a firecracker company. Since he's old, and has no sons to inherit his title, Kwok Yip has no choice but to hand it all over to Bowie's character. Seeing someone that is not blood related to him, how can Kwok Yip possibly stay still and watch all his hard work credited under another man's name. Being an elder does have a price to pay. But being old also means you've been there and done that...exactly how Kwok Yip have a slight advantage over others in remaining in control and one step ahead.

Yim Man Hei (Bowie Lam)
Being older has it's advantages. What does being younger have? Well first off, Bowie's a male. He has what it takes to get his point across and gets others to obey him. Power! He has it all! The only drawback from achieving full authority was being deaf. Seeing the flaw as the doorway of him losing control, no one knows of it but his brother. How can he let anything get in his way when he has it all right now. (Basically, same as me. I had control. But had a slight problem, something wrong with my internet or my laptop. I blame it on the internet! Causing my downfall.)

Sung Tung Shing (Moses Chan)
Lost everything important in his life. His name, his love, his will-power. Everything! Wait! Scratch will-power off. He actually gain that. Whoops! Got carried away. Anyway... Seeking revenge at all cost, Tung Shing will get what's rightfully his; meeting his destiny in the eyes and no turning away. ( I should be a writer! So dramatic this is!)

Jiu Yuk (Ada Choi)
Being old has it's advantage. Being young has it's advantage. Being a guy has it's advantage. What does being a young, but acts old (mature) widow have? First off, women in period dramas have absolute no power whatsoever! Besides being a breeding machine, they are useless to men (unless the guy loves you dearly to sacrifice all for you). Changing wills; head of clan; deceiving her clan; falls in love with the enemy. Yup...basically Jiu Yuk did everything bad possible in that time period. Why? I assume power was what caused it. Being young and a widow, with no money, land, or power, it is a huge crisis for a woman during that time. What better way than take what's rightfully their's; taking back the authority from men. go, Ada! (Don't get me wrong! I don't think doing evil things right. I'm just saying...=D )
*There's more I can do, but I need to finish my homework first. I may continue on this topic later. Unless I think of something else! hehe...*Image Credit and Most of my Info Credit:
Sehseh's Blog
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: 4 days left!
Warning: This is a very very long post by me. Best read if you have time! hehe...enjoy!*
War & Beauty (金枝欲孽) vs Dance of Passion (火舞黃沙)TVBsquare gave me the idea to do a comparison of the two awhile back, but I didn’t have much info of DOP, so had to wait. Now since we’re almost there, why not do some of the comparisons shall we.
The Titles:War & Beauty; 金枝欲孽 It fits the theme of the series pretty perfectly. The whole series was based off of the concubines and the Empress, wanting to remain or capture the Emperor’s affection and attention. Bitter rivalries, deceptions, lies, truths, deaths, births; evil to good, good to evil, all happens within the palace walls.
Dance of Passion; 火舞黃沙 Storyline based off of a resentful rivalry between 2 clans, the Sung and the Yim’s, seeking revenge on one another. Again lies, truths, deceptions, evil/good are all exposed and out in the open. Dance of Passion? What does that have to do with it? Is the cast (the men/women) trying to dance away (to avoid) the passion (their hearts) that is constantly building up within their rivalries with one another?
Sheren Tang (Yu Yuet) vs. Maggie Siu (Shun Long Yuet)
All along, I have always thought of Maggie as a replacement of Sheren Tang, and mostly because Maggie’s a veteran like Sheren. Never would I have guess that they would have the same name as well! “Yu Fei” or “Yu Yuet” in ancient (empirical times) vs “Long Yuet” (period times). Coincidence? Lol…=D Yu Fei was married to the emperor as a concubine and suppose head over others. Maggie is married to Kenny Wong, the suppose heir of the Sung clan. Both loses power for inability of conceiving desire birth; Sheren because she had a baby girl, Maggie because she can’t conceive? Power vs. power. Experience vs. experience. Can Maggie meet up to Sheren’s? Especially after what Yu Fei’s popularity have achieved?
Bowie Lam (Suen Bak Yeung) vs. Bowie Lam (Yim Man Hei)
Basically, Bowie plays the same type of character. Instead of head doctor withing the palace walls, he’s head of the Yim clan. He has wife, whom he doesn’t love (Gigi Lai) and falls in love with another married woman (Ada Choi). Sounds familiar? Basically a reenactment of WAB but instead of that one girl (sorry, forgot her name) as his wife, he has Gigi instead. Loving someone whom he should stay away from (Yuk Ying in WAB), how different can Suen Bak Yeung be that much different from Yim Man Hei?
Charmaine Sheh (Yee Shun) vs. Gigi Lai (Gai Ming Fung)
Charmaine’s character, Yee Shun, in WAB has got to be the saddest person on earth. All her life, everything is all planned out for her. Nothing was ever in her decision. Got into the palace as a concubine, be affectionate with the emperor, etc. What’s worst is that when she actually stands up to the one person she loves and desires the most, she got rejected! Gigi Lai’s DOP character (Gai Ming Fung) should be about the same type. Married to a guy whom she has no feelings for (yet) and pushed to things against her wish or desire. Great way for the scriptwriter to change things around from WAB to DOP! Last time, Gigi got the guy and left Charmaine in the dust with no one. This time, will Gigi get the guy again or will she be like Charmaine in WAB and be left in the “sand” with no one?
Gigi Lai (Yuk Ying) vs. Ada Choi (Jui Yuk)
Yuk Ying was the beauty of the all the concubines and little did anyone know she was one of the evilest person around. Matches Ada’s character pretty perfectly. Again, besides having a “Yuk” in their names, their character’s journey should be similar as well; Yuk Ying a threat to the concubines & Jui Yuk, a threat to the Sung clan. Both fell for Bowie’s character, and winning his devoted affection. Gigi won the Best Female for her role in WAB. Will Ada follow her footsteps and win it again for her 2nd Best Female? It has been almost 8 years since Ada last won the award, about time to win it a second time, don’t you think?
Moses Chan (Hung Mo) vs. Moses Chan (Sung Tung Shing)
Okay, I don’t really have much to say about Moses’s character in both DOP and WAB. First of all, I don’t like Hung Mo at all! He’s smart yes. But so evil and the jealous type of guy! Constantly in WAB, Hung Mo was jealous of Maggie Cheung (Onn Sin) and whomever that helps her in any way other than him. In DOP, Moses is supposed to have a relationship with Charmaine’s character, but after some twist and turn, their love turns into a forbidden relationship. Jealous (possibly) of his fiancée turning into someone whom he can’t have, same as Hung Mo loving Onn Sin, who was one of the emperor’s concubines. Same…same…
Maggie Chueng (Onn Sin) vs. Charmaine Sheh (Ka Chun Fun)
Pity is what I say for both characters. I guess their lives are just never meant for long-everlasting love. Maggie Cheung’s Onn Sin was fine as a servant inside the palace, but push turned to shove and shove turned to push, she was one of the emperor’s concubines. Same goes with Charmaine. Supposedly to marry her fiancé, Moses Chan, but again the whole push shove situation, she didn’t and may possibly be another “concubine” for her future husband, Kenny Wong. Maggie’s character didn’t get much recognition in WAB by anyone. But since Charmaine’s character is so similar, all might change (again because of the growing fan-base of Charmaine’s). Maggie ended WAB in the arms of her love, but dies. Charmaine? hehe…better not say more. 2 Reasons: 1) I don’t know! 2) The Charmaine fans will kill me if I say anything bad about her! =D
The Emperor vs. Kenny Wong (Sung Tung Yeung)Like I said earlier, Kenny is the suppose heir of the Sung family clan. But isn’t. Has a wife, Maggie Siu (whom I said was the period version of Yu Fei), and will get a concubine, Charmaine Sheh. That’s basically all I have to say. lol...I think you get my point!
Theme Song:The theme song of WAB was sung by Bowie Lam, called 兒女 (Children). For those who don’t know already, the theme song of Dance of Passion is again going to be sung by Bowie. This time, called 風沙 (Sandstorm). Excited? Ehh…It’s Bowie. Same…same…not surprise nor excited. Just ehh…for me. =/
Song of the Day
Long time since I've uploaded a song of day on here. Whoops! Today, I'm picking out Ms. Amanda Lee Wai Man. I'm not sure if many still remembers her. First starting out her career in a girls group, Echo, in the early 1990s, Amanda enters the music industry, gaining very little fame. Later going solo, around 1994? 95? Amanda achieved recognition and popularity, appearing in numerous films, releasing albums, special guest appearances (in Healing Hands), singing TVB themesongs, etc. Since the downfall of her music company, Amanda has hardly appeared in the entertainment circle. Last time seen in TVB, she was on Liza Wang's The Unforgettables (名曲滿天星), as a guest. Today, I'm bringing back one of my favorites of Amanda's. Hope you guys like it! Enjoy!
Song: 心跳回憶 "Sum Tiu Wooi Yik"
Singer: Amanda Lee 李惠敏
Download Here
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: 5 days left!
Here's a clip of TVB's Scoop (東張西望) of the Dance of Passion cast at the premiere of DOP at the IFC cinema.

Click HereCredit: tvb.comSummary of Clip:-The cast was fascinated/excited that premiere was at a cinema instead of on TV.
-Gigi Lai doesn't have to pay for any expenses on her outfit.
-Ada Choi and Charmaine Sheh are really promoting the series, 火舞黃沙, with the color of their outfits. (hey, it matched what I said!)
-Rumors of Ada Choi and Kenny Wong an item.
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: 6 days left!
The special premiere of Dance of Passion was last night at IFC. Here's a pic of our 4 leading ladies of Dance of Passion at the event:
Charmaine Sheh, Ada Choi, Gigi Lai, & Maggie SiuDon't they all just look great! Funny how they're all dress in the color of different parts of the flame! lol...They really helped promote the
"火" (fire) of it's title "火舞黃沙." hehe...

The "Red" FlameNormally, when we look at a flame, the red or outer-layer is what everyone notices. Same thing goes with Gigi Lai. Attending the premiere in red, Gigi captures a lot of the attention with the usage of the color. With her popularity soaring from her role of as Yuk Ying in WAB, the viewers attention might just turns toward Gigi in the series as well. Ability to captivate the viewers' attention, but doesn't burn as hot as the others. What good will that do?
The "Red-Orange" FlameThis middle layer is not the hottest part of the flame either. But like the red, it's what viewers see the most. Personally, I think Ada has a chance to get our attention. Since been gone so long from filming TVB series, it's a fresh image to look at. Hotter than the "red" flame, Ada's "red-orange" layer extinguishes Gigi. Or will she...
The "Yellow" FlameI have to agree. Charmaine looks the greatest among all the actresses present at last night's premiere. Very elegant, sophisticated, and a touch of "spring" time look to it. hehe...As a continuation to my flame theory, the yellow region burns even hotter than the red or red-orange level. Although losing out on attention from Gigi (winning Best Female for WAB) & Ada (with her comeback), Charmaine still manages to shine right along with them; in my opinion, mostly for her ever-growing fan base. Hotter: Yes. Will she stay burning hot in the series? We'll see...
The "White-Hot" FlameMaggie Siu was the only one who didn't wear a dress. Looking very professional in her all-white suit, she's telling all she's got it covered! The white part of a flame is the hottest section of the 4 I've listed. Maggie has the looks, has the experience, has the ability to do what she does best to stay on top as one of the best. Youth makes no difference as long as the "fire" continues to burn brighter and hotter within.
Side Note: I know that Ada's dress is more pinkish than "red-orange," but wanted to go along with my post today! hehe...Hope you guys don't mind! =D *
Images Credit:
Sehseh's Blog
Flora Chan releases new album!
Source: Orisun
Translated by: Sidney

Flora Chan was earlier spotted in TungLoWan at a dress boutique shopping. Having not seen her for quiet some time, Flora appears to have gained some weight, yet be very healthy. Seeing that reporters were nearby and spying on her, Flora immediately gave them a smile, telling them she's going to be in HongKong alot lately; plenty of opportunitly to see her! "Right now, I'm currently preparing for the release of my newest album (date hasn't been release yet) and I'll be collaborating with professional Indian dancer on a Indian dance." Practicing her new dance moves, Flora hopes to incorporate it into the new songs she has on her album.
*Side Note: This is so awesome that Flora's going to release another cd!! Yay!! I love her singing! One of the best non-professional singers, in my opinion. Now a release of a new album, how about a return to TVB next. hmm...anyone else like that idea? *
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: 7 days left!
I found out that my earlier predictions of Dance of Passion was way off! Which was really not surprising, since I was never really good at guessing. why not have a little bit of fun on with the how the relationships' going to go with our cast shall we. Hope you like it! *This is just my opinions/predictions! Please don't take it seriously! =) *
The Relationship: a love triangle
Ada Choi + Bowie Lam + Gigi Lai
The Contenders:
Ada Choi vs. Gigi Lai
Prize: Bowie Lam
Advantages:Ada- got Bowie's love
Gigi- got Bowie's name; legal wife
Disadvantages:Ada & Gigi- fell for Bowie Lam
The Battle:Catfight!! lol...j/k. With TVB, there's never going to be one! My guess...bitter arguments, heart-piercing stares, and plenty and plenty of sabotages.

Either Ada gets shot. Or Gigi gets shot. Who should it be? hmm...

We can let Bowie get shot! (very gruesome pic!)
The Finale: (for the 3)

Happy ever after for all 3? Bowie gets both Ada and Gigi as his wives? Ada and Gigi works things out? Good story? Kinda cheesy? lol...that's the best I can do for it. hehe...1 week left! Yes! We'll see how great my predictions are! Have a good day!
Side Note: I totally dislike the idea of Ada and Bowie together. To me, their perfect "friend" image from Healing Hands still lives in my head. Them as lovers? is just crazy! I would now prefer her with Moses than with Bowie! No offense to the Bowie fans reading this. *
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: 8 days left!
Very very interesting indeed. Dance of Passion, is what I mean. After finally finding some spare time to read
Sehseh's Blog, all I can say is that I absolutely can't wait for DOP to air!! Gosh...a little over a week left! =/ Funny thing I've noticed, after I was finished reading (in my opinion only!), is that there could be more than the war/rivalry going on between the characters/storyline, the Yim family vs. the Sung Family, but with the cast as well! For example, according to how the storyline goes, the Yim family consists of only Bowie Lam and Gigi Lai. For the Sung Family, there's Moses Chan, Ada Choi, Charmaine Sheh, Maggie Siu, and Kenny Wong. hmm...don't you think that's kinda ironic! Just think about it! Bowie and Gigi both respectively won the Best Male/Female award for WAB. Now, it's them versus the rest of the cast of Dance of Passion. hehe...can they defend themselves?! Fight...fight...fight!! lol...j/k! Like I always say, we'll just have to wait and see! =D
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: 9 days left!
Woohoo! Down to the single digits of my countdown! So close! If I can last just the final few days! hehe...Anyway, today I won't be doing any special features. I'm very tire and I just got from work; didn't have time to do any research on any stars. Please forgive me. =( If you want to know more new new News about DOP, I suggest taking a trip to
Sehseh's Blog. She just translated a bunch of info on it, so enjoy! Have a safe weekend!
Song of the Day
To link to my DOP cast, Helen Ma, today I'll be choosing a song back from 1990-1991 as my Song of the Day. The series is call Song Bird (天涯歌女). It is a very very sad series (well to me it is), starring Nnadia Chan, Leon Lai, Wayne Lai, Aaron Kwok, Cutie Mui, Helen Ma, Eddie Kwan, etc. etc. I not going to say much more about it, so I won't accidently spoil it for those who haven't seen it. =) *Side Note: buy the cd soundtrack if still available! It has some very good songs on there!* Enjoy!
Song: theme to Song Bird
Singer: Nnadia Chan 陳松伶
Download Here
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: 10 days left!
My hype of DOP continues! Thank goodness there's only 10? 11? more days left! I'm running out of things to talk about. Plus I'm getting confuse on how many days there's left! lol...=D I can't even do a countdown right! Oh well...I hope you guys continue reading my special features of Dance of Passion's cast!
Helen Ma Hoi Lun (馬海倫)
Like the other older cast members, I don't what I can say about Helen. I don't know much about her. Let see...Helen Ma. You'll probably recognize her the most from doing lots of TVB's long running dramas whether in the 1996? series Kindred Spirit (真情) or in 2001's Virtues of Harmony (皆大歡喜). Alot like Rebecca Chan, Helen has been with TVB for a long time. Basically she can be very diverse and versatile in all the characters she portrays. For example, she can hilarious in Lady Flower Fist. Quiet (mute) in Happy Ever After. Funny & ugly in VOH. A rich & snotty in Stage of Turbulence. etc. etc.

Fun fact about her? Umm...couldn't really find any. Sorry! =P
What should we expect out of Helen Ma in DOP? Well, first off, she's a new cast member added (different from the original cast of WAB). From the looks of it, Helen will probably be a mom, an aunt, a servant, or a person that just helped raised one of the main leads aka "li ma"(sorry, forgot what's it call in english). Anyway, my guess will be that Helen's on the side of Ada Choi. I've seen it before from a magazine article that showed Helen and Ada together, but forgot where. hmm...Oh well! Since Helen is new to the cast, it should be pretty fresh. But since her role is just a minor role, than it really doesn't matter. Or does it? hehe...we'll just have to wait and see!
Image Credits:
Image Editing:
Toomanysidesofme (thank you! =D )
Song of the Day
Today for my choice of song, I'm digging one out from 1997? 1998? hmm...forgot. =P The series is call "A Road and A Will" starring Ah Daan (鄭丹瑞), Maggie Cheung, Wayne Lai, and Cutie Mui. The story was very interesting, mostly because of Cutie and Wayne's performance. hehe...very cute couple. Made me a definite Wayne Lai's fan (besides his performance in Journey to the West). the other series, if you have seen it, good for you. If you haven't seen it, go rent it! It's not that bad. =) Enjoy!
Song: theme to TVB's "A Road & A Will"
Singer: Julian (ChiLam) Cheung 張智霖
Download Here
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: 11 days left!
Today's special feature is about Chan Hung Lit. I don't know much about him, so I have no clue what I'm going to say. (shrugs) I'll just try my best on him. hehe...Hope you like it!
Chan Hung Lit (陳鴻烈)
Has anyone ever heard of Chan Hung Lit before he came to TVB? I haven't! The first time I'd ever seen him was when he starred in TVB's Point of No Return (西關大少). And I thought..."Cool accent!" Seriously! That was my first impression of him! Then I find him to be relatively a good actor after seeing him in a couple more of TVB's series: Twin of Brothers (大唐雙龍傳), The Charm Beneath (胭脂水粉), Healing Hand III (妙手仁心Ⅲ)

and of course, War & Beauty (金枝慾孽). For a new person in TVB (to me he was new; didn't know he's been in the business for quite some time), he was great! Some will think that his character is somewhat boring and not as exciting as others. But if you listen to him talk (his script), most of what he says has a special meaning to it. me it does. =)

Fun fact to know about him? Umm....well, he's from Taiwan, so that explains why he has the heavy accent. I like it! Sounds so cool! Love how he pronounced Jessica Hsuan's name as "Suen Suen" instead of "Suen Huen" at TVB's 37th Anniversary. hehe...just a little FYI if you didn't hear about it or watched it. =D
What should we expect from Chan Hung Lit in Dance of Passion? Let guess will be that there's a head household in the series, and he's the head. Such as the dad of someone. Bowie? Ehh...should be someone else besides him. Makes it more fresh. Don't you think? Well what's really bothering me right now is all that facial hair he has on! My gosh! He looks like Hagrid from Harry Potter! But skinnier! hehe...Just my opinion! =) Anyway, I won't be getting too excited about his role. I know he can act. I know he's good. I know he will do well in DOP. I'm not worry about him at all!
Song of the Day
Today's song is all the way back in the early 1990s. I forgot when exactly. =P I remember I'd seen this series before, because it was pretty funny and the storyline was cute. But I can vaguely describe much about it. Well...if you've seen this series, you'll like. If you've haven't seen this series, try to find it. It's good, but old. Enjoy my Song of the Day!
Song: 真真假假 aka themesong to Mystery of the Twin Swords II
Singer: Dicky Cheung 張衛健
Download Here
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: 12 days left!
How can we have War & Beauty without our lovely queen, Rebecca Chan. How can we have Dance of Passion without our lovely....Rebecca Chan!! (sorry, don't know what character she'll be). Today's special feature will be (duh!) Rebecca Chan! Hope you guys like it!
Rebecca Chan: Our Queen of DOP?Ahh...surprise surprise. Rebecca Chan Sau Chu (陳秀珠) is in Dance of Passion, too! Yay! She's great! Don't you think? She has acted in numerous TVB series, way way back in the

1980s 'til present day. And her acting skills are getting better and better! As the chinese saying goes "The older the ginger is, the hotter it is." (Ok, the translations of it was horrible, but I hope you know what I mean! hehe...) Anyway...Rebecca moved from being a main-lead to now a supporting-lead; first leading girl to now present-day mom/older sister in TVB series! lol...that's defiinite been a long time in the entertainment business! TVB veteran indeed! Most of us will probably remember her in some of Rebecca's most unforgettable roles. For the ones who remember the older series, Rebecca was in a series call "The Smiling, Proud Wanderer" (笑傲江湖). For a little bit more modern, she was in Detective Investigation Files IV (刑事偵緝檔案IV); Square Pegs (戇夫成龍); My Family (甜孫爺爺) and of course, War & Beauty (金枝慾孽). Rebecca can do humor; she can be real serious; she can be poor and kind; she can be snotty and rich. A definite versatile actress, don't you think?
Here's another fun fact to know. Rebecca Chan has participated in Miss Hong Kong before! Wow! And the year was back in 1979. She didn't place anything during the pageant, but it's okay. Just look at the success she has gotten for herself! Hats off to her! =)

What does Rebecca have to bring to the table for the "hype" of Dance of Passion? I don't know. She wasn't mention in the news. I just happen to saw her name of the list of characters in DOP, and assumed she's in. I may be wrong, but does it matter? Her character as the queen wasn't really talked about too, during/pre-release of WAB, so I guess it's okay. I'm actually really excited to see her perform. Last time, she was having a battle with the famous Yui Fei (Sheren Tang). This time, who can it be? What is her role? I guess we'll just have to wait and find out! Only 12 more days left! Yay! =D
Image Credit:; Asianfanatics