Friday, April 28, 2006
It's time to PARTY! (for me)
Woohoo! TVB Sidsation is officially celebrating it's 1 month old birthday! Yay!! This is a real big deal for me, since it's my first time actually starting something (a blog) and being so consistent (well...most of the time) about it. celebrate, I would like to thank...-YOU! The readers for visiting my blog. Whether you "acidentally" stumbled in here, or you were forced, or you were linked here, or you simply just knew me, I thank you! =)
-the people and sites that gave me infos and pics. Love them! Keep it going!
-Special thanks to the ones that helped me alot on this blog. The blog's not extravagant (I'm working on it), but you guys still helped me alot (giving me ideas, image editting, or just correcting me!) hehe...=)
1 Month Old Celebration needs a little party, don't you think? And what better way to celebrate than the old Chinese traditional way: Red Eggs!!

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