Parental Guidance

Just passing along some news regarding Jessica Hsuan and her newest series that's set to be release. No, it's not another TVB series out so soon (I wish), but Singapore English sitcom! The whole sitcom would be in English, not dubbed but actually spoken by the artists themselves. Here's just a brief rundown:
Show: "Parental Guidance"Premieres: Feb. 8th @ 8:30 pm; on Singapore Channel 5Starring: Adrian Pang, Jessica Hsuan, Kenneth Tsang, Rosalind PhoTrailer 1: Credits to Fanny & Nina 2: Credits to Fanny & Nina Mediacorp TV & devoted Jessica Hsuan fans for providing up-to-date info @ Jessica Hsuan's Forum
Funny Pic of Day
Good day, everybody. Haven't been online much lately, much less update TVB Sidsation. hehe...oops. So unlike me! =P Spring semester had officially started back up for me last week. (whippee...) Had to spend some time getting used to waking up early again. (sigh) The cold front that blew into my home state couple of weeks ago left me with a rather serious flu this past couple of days. Feeling fine right now, nothing a little DayQuil wouldn't do. I'm up and about, so TVB Sidsation should be getting regular updates of my commentaries running once again. Hope to gain back all my readers during my absence!

Was reading today's daily update of entertainment news on
Em's site, and happen to stumble upon this picture of Hacken Lee. Is it just me or did Hacken grew wings? lol...cute, but the Mr. Chicken is wanting them back now.
Who's more disappointed?
TVB's 25th Annual "Top Ten JSG Award Presentation" was couple nights ago, and I finished watching it while trapped inside my house. Yes, it's trapped. A big snow/blizzard/freezing rain/sleet swept across where I lived. Can't go anywhere since it was unsafe to drive, much less walk down the driveway. So I lived on instant noodles, rice, canned corn & meat for 3-4 days straight. (shudders) Anyways, after I was finished, I was a bit confused with what I saw. This year's show was not as great as I expected it to be or in other word: it's crappy! Come on, TVB, this is your
25th annual JSG award presentation, put some effort into it! One major thing I want complain about was the stage. Nothing grand at all, very plain looking compared to previous years. (sigh)
As many news source noted, this year's number of artist showing up at the award presentation had significantly decreased to an unbelievable amount. I was shocked. Umm...did they forget to come? It was January 13th, 2007 right? I had it right and was there, but I guess the lots of artists just decided not to show up. Who wasn't there? Let see...: Ronald Cheng, Edmond Leung, Kary Ng, Deep Ng, Andy Hui, Jordan Chan, Niki Chow, Toby Leung, Ella Koon, Jade Kwan...just to name a few. Besides, even if the artists were present, will they get the recognition they deserve?

As many "originally" expected (myself included), Leo Ku would come away at the end of the night as the Favorite Male Singer of 2006. the surprise of many, he didn't. Eason Chan came away with the prize of the night instead. I wasn't terribly disappointed, as I didn't think Leo's "Love Too Late" (愛得太遲) deserved all the recognition it received. It was an okay song. I got used to it as it was played often when my brother is around me and came to like it. Felt really bad for Leo though on the "trick" TVB played on him. Arranging for Vivian Chow (Leo Ku's good friend) to present the Favorite Male Singer award, but not too him. Tricked the audience, tricked the fans, tricked me, and of course, tricked Leo. Leo must had been disappointed.

Again, as many expected, Miriam Yeung's chances in snagging the Favorite Female singer of the year award was very low. Very true and good prediction everyone! She didn't win. But she didn't win anything throughout the night either. No matter how many news source stated how good of a sportsmanship Miriam showed (which I whole heartedly agree), I'm sure she was disappointed seeing everyone around her getting up and receiving their awards. Heart wrenching night for her, but Miriam, the best of luck in the year of 2007. I'll support you. =)

Bernice Liu took home JSG's "Outstanding Newcomer" Award of the night. Hard for me to agree, but I, too, believe this award was rigged myself. Where in the world did this award come from? Out in the blue. What difference is it from the "Most Favorite Newcomer" Award? Not much. Who to blame? TVB. Why? I have one conclusion: TVB presented a total of 45 awards throughout the night. If they left out the award won by Bernice, it'll then be 44 awards total. 44...not a good number. Superstitious matters of course. Poor Bernice having to suffer the criticizing from everyone, but I she was really happy when it was presented to her. Singing wasn't great at all, but can't say she was disappointed that night.

I wasn't surprised that Miriam Yeung didn't received the Favorite Female singer award. I was semi-surprised that Leo lose out to Eason Chan. But I was most surprised that Kelly only won 1 award throughout the whole night! Unbelievable! She didn't even get one of the "10 Ten Gold Song award!" No offense to any of Twins' fans out there reading my post, but I don't think they should have won for the song: "You're not a Good Lover" (你不是好情人). It's not right and not fair! But then again, like Andy Lau said, "Award shows is not down to "fairness" nor "unfairness" anymore. Just regulations and non-regulations." Who set's up these regulations? Why of course the broadcasting network, or in this case, TVB. Yes, I am disappointed with TVB right now, but all I can do is hope for a better show next year. I HOPE!
2006 HK Music not up to Par

TVB’s 25th Annual “Top 10 JSG Award Presentation 2006” 《2006年度十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮》 is tomorrow night, January 13. Like every year, TVB will present the top 10 favorite songs over the year to a variety of artists, along with the Favorite Male & Female singer award; Favorite Newcomer; Commercial songs, Mandarin songs, Golden Song, etc. etc. Lots awards will be given out that night, and all I’m hoping for is just a good show to watch.
One way or another, I think I had the opportunity to listen to all 58 songs posted up on in having an opportunity to snag a Top 10 song slot. Some of them are great! Some of them only okay. While some was just…lets just say…I wasn’t terribly thrilled with.
My favorites this year: 1)
Stephanie Cheng-
“Red Light Green Light” (紅綠燈)2)
Andy Lau-
“Open My Eyes” (張開眼睛)3)
Joey Yung-
“Splendid Unexpected Meeting” (華麗邂逅)4)
Eason Chan-
“Under Mt. Fuji” (富士山下) 5)
Denise Ho-
“Bright Meeting” (光明會)6)
Janice Vidal-
“Run Away from Home” (離家出走)7)
Justin Lo-
“Love Song” (情歌)8)
Kelly Chen-
“Severs Completely” (一刀两断) 9)
Leo Ku-
“Love Too Late” (爱得太迟)10)
Miriam Yeung-
“Big Silly” (大傻)11)
Ivana Wong-
“Poem’s Passion” (詩情)Although my list of favorites can go on and on, but I’m not completely satisfied with this year’s performances. Compared to the previous years, this year was ehh! One artist in particular was Hacken Lee’s. Always been a favorite of mine, but just not this time around. Same thing goes with Joey Yung. I would expect better songs from her and EEG, but I guess not. I still like Joey, she’s great and her song “Splendid Unexpected Meeting” (華麗邂逅) was good, too. Just expected something better with Joey’s standards. The underdogs would just surpassing them one award at a time if this keeps up. (sigh)
My current favorites: Stephanie Cheng, Janice Vidal, Justin Lo, and Ivana Wong. They are amazing. Surprisingly, for me to discover I like Stephanie Cheng a lot. Her singing is really not that bad and her album “Honey” is good, too. I would recommend it. Janice Vidal and Justin Lo were the Favorite Male/Female newcomers winners last year and their popularity has risen immensely since then. Not really much of a surprise there since their songs are good, they both can really sing, and their images are welcome by the fans. Ivana Wong was the 1st runner up for last year’s Favorite Female newcomer. I personally like her a lot, but she’s more on the quiet side as her main focus is on composing songs for other artists than actually singing the songs herself. She's still good, if you guys ever get the chance to listen to her sing.
Must watch Series: "Dicey Business"

I’d finished watching DB! Yay! I knew all along that I would like “Dicey Business” whenever I get the chance to see it; of course because there is my idol, Jessica Hsuan, present. hehe... =D However, never would I imagine that I'd be so engross by everything else: the cast, the storyline, the acting, everything! Definitely, “Dicey Business” is a one of a kind; a definite improvement on TVB’s standards as of lately.

The whole cast did a marvelous job with each of their assign roles. Michael Miu’s CEO character and Bobby Au Yeung’s Chai Foon Cheung were basically the 2 main focus throughout the series. Both did well to bring out their character in the best of anyone’s capabilities: as Michael was so handsome with his cool, collected CEO appearance and Bobby is just so…Bobby! Very versatile character he portrayed.

I liked Bosco’s “folded table” character at the beginning the best. He was funny and we (as the audience) understood his actions, w/out him even having to utter a single word. Very impressive body language and such a sad history of what he went through! His chemistry with Tavia was cute, but not as strong as I expected. Why? Most likely it's because Tavia’s character doesn’t interest me much; possibly the weakest compared with everyone else’s. Her acting was only okay (Tavia had stronger performances), but acceptable enough.

Like many people have told me before I started watching DB, saying how different Jessica Hsuan’s role was when compared to her previous ones and she was good! And funny, too! lol…that’s always great to hear of your favorite celeb being praised at. And I have to say, I AGREE! From the moment her character, Lee Ching Wan, was introduced, I loved it. Definitely a refreshing role for Jessica to take on. However, as the series progresses, I’d noticed that her character is mighty similar to her “Cold Blood Warm Heart” character, Cheung Suet Yee, towards the end. If you’d seen CBWH, you should noticed lots of similarities, along with many other factors as well.
The ending, as many had predicted, was a cliffhanger. A typical ending for any TVB series, meaning its open up for debate: should or should not a sequel will be made or. I personally do, as there’s so many unanswered questions I have after finished watching.
1) Does Bobby and Jessica reunite? If so, as friends or lovers?
2) Whatever happened to Jessica Hsuan’s good friend, the other addictive gambler played by Elaine Yeow?
3) Leanne Li mentioned that Michael Miu blackmailed her with some photos. What ever happened to her and what photos were they?
4) Whatever happened to Mr. Chan? (the evil partner of Michael Miu)
hmm...I guess my question will forever be a mystery until TVB makes a sequel. That is, IF they do.
Would I recommend DB to others? Most definitely: YES! However, the 1st episode may be a bit draggy at the beginning, but it’ll explain itself. Stay with the series, and I’ll guaranteed you’ll like it. Will this series be hard to beat for the rest of ’07 series? Ratings: no, since the ratings was fair throughout. Other series can easily surpass them. But everything else: yes. It’s not very often we read nonstop appraisal for a series from so many viewers/fans. Great way for TVB to set off the year. =)
Michael Wong kisses Jessica Hsuan in the streets
Source: Apple
Translated by: Sidney

Michael Wong, Jessica Hsuan, and Joe Ma were filming yesterday evening for TVB’s new series “The Drive for Life” 《歲月風雲》 in Lan Kwai Fong for a return reciprocal celebration scene. During the scene, Jessica and Michael, who plays lover in the series, was on a date and celebrating together; hugging and sharing a kiss on the lips. The atmosphere was definitely romantic, despite Joe Ma, who has a crush on Jessica, witnessing it all.

Michael Wong and Jessica Hsuan was filming a kissing scene yesterday evening out in the streets, attracting many tourists present. One tourist even blurted “Oh! They kiss.”; but luckily it didn’t distracted them on their performances; needing just 1 take to finish filming. Jessica mentioned that aside from needing to work, she rarely visits Lan Kwai Fong in the evening. Do you feel uncomfortable filming a kissing scene out in the public? “It’s real easy. There’s many series that requires it.”
Giving the opportunity to film a kissing scene with Jessica, Michael excitedly said, “I’m really happy to kiss a beautiful girl, but there was so many people (tourists) earlier! I had to tell myself to relax; as for this scene, the kiss had just been temporarily added.”
"TVB's 40th Anniversary, I'll definitely be there."
Over the past couple of years, TVB has done a great job in recruiting old faces to come back to TVB and film for them. Michael Miu came back in 2005 after years of absence in the entertainment industry with the series "The Academy;" Ben Wong came back this past year with the series, "Safe Guards." Ada Choi came back to film a series with TVB after a year of focusing in mainland production. Astrid Chan, Florence Kwok, David Chiang, Susanna Kwan, etc. etc. And in 2007, I doubt it would be any difference either, especially with TVB's 40th anniversary this year.

Like what TVB's 2007 Sales Presentation said, "TVB's 40th Anniversary, I'll definitely be here." How many artists can TVB manage to recruit back and film for them? So far from what I had read from the entertainment news, I only have a couple: Lee Sze Kei, Margie Tsang, Alvina Kong and the latest: Esther Kwan. It’s been years since I last Margie or Sze Kei jeh in a series, so it would be refreshing to see them onscreen once again. Sze Kei jeh can act, I know for sure, especially after watching a 1000 episodes of her and the rest of the cast of “Kindred Spirit,” Can’t wait for her newest series: “Heart of Greed” to be air, with its interesting storyline, good cast, 40 episodes, not bad at all. A delightful veteran for TVB to bring back into the family.

Margie…I’m not sure what to say about her. It’s been ages since I last saw in a series. Actually, to be more accurate, I’d only seen one of Margie’s series if my memory serves me right. She’s not a bad actress nor a great one, just average (in my opinion). Wonder how long she’s going to stick around.

Same goes with Margie’s good friend, Alvina Kong. Alvina had some major roles, starring opposite of Gordon Lam and Cutie Mui in the 90s; mostly in series that poke fun of the entertainment and music industry with their imitations of famous singers and celebrities. Her news drastically decreased from then or I failed to notice, but she’s back! Currently hosting in TVB’s newest variety show: "Is that Right “ (問題娛樂圈).

Biggest (& the best) news to end 2006: Esther Kwan will be coming back to film for TVB!! How great is that! 7 years has gone by since we last saw Esther and this time we’ll be seeing her almost daily. Esther has agreed to come back and star in a long running series starting in March. So filming should be taking place real soon if I’m not mistaken. For me, I think it’s great, but bit strange as well. Long running series have to film daily, long hours, and for a long period of time. Esther would want to come back for that? A 20+ episode series, I could imagine her saying yes to, but definitely not this. Besides, I would love to see her pair up with Bobby Au Yeung one more time in a series. Reminisce old times. The whole Bobby and Yoyo Mung pairing, I’m not to thrill about it anymore; especially with them filming “Trouble Daddy” now, and “Forensic Heroes II” right afterwards. =/
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Ahh...2007. A new year, a new start; some changes are in order, don't you think? As you can see, I'd changed my banner up top once again. Nothing much; just playing around with photoshop. =) 2nd, I started on a new series: "Dicey Business." It's real good right now, although the first part of Episode 1 was a bit slow, but Jessica Hsuan's appearance later in the episode made up for it. =D

Since it's the new year, of course there have to be some New Year Resolutions. I've been thinking, what can I do this year? Let see...
1) Good health? ; I always try to maintain good health (or so I think), nothing new.
2) Good grades? ; lol...I don't even have to worry about it. My parents, not forgetting my older sister, is a constant reminder that I need to keep my grades in check. No problem there!
3) Watch more TVB series?; I really doubt I need to watch any more TV, much less TVB series. That's a definite NO. Possibly I should change it to watch "less" TVB series. lol...I'll try my best.
4) Lose weight?; Umm...this has always been on my New Year's list. Nothing new, but just something I really wanted to do. lol...I doubt I can lose much. Gaining weight is probably much more like it.
5) Get a raise?; I will definitely try my hardest on this one!
6) Create more features for TVB Sidsation; hopefully in the new year, I can think of more interesting topics to add to this blog. Please continue to support me and TVB Sidsation in 2007! =)