Sunday, January 28, 2007

Parental Guidance

Just passing along some news regarding Jessica Hsuan and her newest series that's set to be release. No, it's not another TVB series out so soon (I wish), but Singapore English sitcom! The whole sitcom would be in English, not dubbed but actually spoken by the artists themselves. Here's just a brief rundown:

Show: "Parental Guidance"
Premieres: Feb. 8th @ 8:30 pm; on Singapore Channel 5
Starring: Adrian Pang, Jessica Hsuan, Kenneth Tsang, Rosalind Pho

Trailer 1: Credits to Fanny & Nina

Trailer 2: Credits to Fanny & Nina

Sources: Mediacorp TV & devoted Jessica Hsuan fans for providing up-to-date info @ Jessica Hsuan's Forum


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