Worst of 2006
Sorry guys for not posting up anything for so long. My after Christmas shopping took longer than I expected! hehe...plus, right now, I'm still smiling from ear to ear with my present this year! Yay!! All I can say right now is, "Thank you, Mom and Dad!" =)
Anyways, 2006 is about to be over, 2-3 more days left. This year wasn't the greatest year for for TVB. The ratings had been okay (what is up with "Dicey Business's" ratings! 29 pts! OMG!), the series had been okay, all the artists had been okay. Nothing significant really happen that we can actually look back and say, "Oh, I remember that year!" Nah, nothing like that, at least not in my view point. Overall, it was pretty bland year. Lets look back at the some of the worst of this past year (all based on my opinion, I might add).
Worst Series of the Year:I watched a total of 14 series this year (only mention the ones that got aired in HK) and I have to say, "CIB Files" (刑事情報科) was the worst. I didn't like it all. At first, I expected it to be great since there's so many veteran actors starring and the name reminded me of DIF IV, but I was wrong. Who to blame? (shrugs) The storyline was just bad and confusing. Reminded me of the series "Split Second," which I didn't like either. hmph...can't believe I watch the whole series! lol...
Worst Themesong of the Year:I'm usually very easy when it comes to music, especially TVB themesongs. But there's this one song I really really don't like and again, it's "CIB Files's" theme, sung by Bowie Lam. Normally, I like Bowie's themes but this one...hmm...don't know why. Just not a fan of it.
Most Annoying Actor/Actress of the Year:No, I'm not going to say Kenny Wong. He's a good actor, but he's slowly getting on to my blacklist. I'm not going to say Sonija Kwok either. She improved this year! Amazing! I liked her in "Land of the Wealth." Most annoying actor right now: Charles Szeto. He's awful! I'm not sure if it's because of the roles he got stuck with or the Charles himself, but I'm not a fan of him. Such a weak guy; "Gateau Affair, " "Always Ready," "Under the Canopy of Love," "At Home with Love, " etc. etc. Not to mention his role for this year's Children Award Show. Yeah...I don't like him.
Worst Variety Show of the Year:"King of Games" was broadcast couple of months ago. The whole point was to split the guests into 2 teams and have them compete with each other over a variety of games. Almost similar to the "Super Trio" game show, but a rather poor rendition of it. The games were funny at one point, but got tiring very soon afterwards. Worst part was for 1 show, same guests, but to be divided up into a couple of days of airing. 30 mins for these types of shows doesn't work, TVB. (sigh)
Happy Holiday!!

Happy Holiday, everyone! Ahh...Christmas time, one of my favorite times of the year. Everyones' hustling and bustling; trying to finish their last Christmas shopping, while I...well...I'm just sitting around enjoying my quiet evenings at home with my family. =)
Hope you guys have a very safe and happy holiday with your love ones, and TVB Sidsation's postings will (should) resume back on Tuesday, Dec. 26th.
*most likely after I come back from after-Christmas shopping ;-) *
What's up with TVB?
Took another couple days off from blogging lately to catch up on my TVB series watching. and to rest up of course. ;-) It was nice! Along with going to work, fold my mountain high pile of laundry, did some Christmas shopping, and other odds and ends going on in my life, nothing much happened to me. I have such an interesting life, huh? (sarcasm)

Finished watching "To Grow with Love" (肥田囍事) and I have to say this series was awful! A total waste of time! What's worth watching? Umm...the first couple of episodes maybe? What's not worth watching? The rest of the series. However, I have to give Myolie credit for being brave enough to gain all those extra pounds. (applause) But the storyline was just so cheesy! It stretched out so so so long! (sigh) What a disappointment! (this is just my opinion; you may think differently)

Currently watching "Return of the Condor Heroes '83" (神鵰俠侶) and I'm absolutely obsess with this series! It's so good! It's been ages since I last saw it and it's still every bit as great as I remember it to be. Did you ever had that feeling that you just can't let the series go and have to watch what happens next non-stop? Well, that's what happening to me. =D The storyline is what I'm in love with, along with every character created by JinYong, the songs sung by Roman Tam and Jenny Tseng, and especially the ending! Everything fits so perfectly that I fail to find anything to complain about! How come I can't find that satisfactions in any of TVB series I'd watched recently? Am I too picky or do you guys feel the same way?

Next series I'm watching? Dicey Business most likely, but I'm not going to start that until after the New Year. What better way to start off 2007 then with Jessica Hsuan series for me! =D "Glittering Days" I'm going to skip completely. Something about it I just don't like and not interested. hmm... =/ "The Conquest" (争霸) aka "Warlords." What in the world is that series? I tried very hard to remember who was in it, but no one popped up in my mind. Apparently it's a Sonija Kwok and Joe Ma series. Very surprised that TVB chose to air it right now, when obviously they need something that would help boost up their ratings. Sonija is known to have bad ratings when her series are aired! (E.g. "Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion" and "Land of the Wealth"). Umm...smart move? Joe Ma is headlining news with so many negative reports of him cheating wife lately. TVB still willing to air his series despite it all?! Interesting... (sigh) TVB's way of thinking...so strange and hard to understand.
I'm back!
I’m freeee……!!!!! lol…yay! It feels strange not having to lug my backpack around when packing up for the weekend. Ehh…but I’ll definitely get use to it! ;-) On regards about the “special” article I was going to write about/post…umm…that’s not going to happen. I completely forgot what I wanted to do! Something to do with Christmas, holiday shopping, and of course, TVB. hmm…maybe I’ll remember it over the weekend.
Let us talk about the entertainment news instead, shall we?
*Hint hint, I’ll be talking about the “trapeze incident” mostly, so if you don’t want to hear me babble, then I would suggest you quit reading right….NOW!*

The annual “Tung Wah Charity Show” 《歡樂滿東華》 happened about a week ago, and the controversies, not to mention the popularities of Yumiko Cheng’s flying trapeze incident skyrocketed! Unbelievable! Is it really necessary to blow it up so big? I just now started to watch the show myself (it’s about 5 hrs long btw) and you really can’t see anything! Yes, I feel sorry for Yumiko to have such an incident, live on TV, in front of millions of viewers happened to her, but…but..still! The paparazzi should just let it go. How different can it possibly be from the annual Miss Hong Kong pageants?! Asia once wrote about an article concerning this year’s MHK pageant and their “cameltoes.” Now that was bad! On the bright side, Yumiko, you might have the chance win the “'Four Electronic Media Syndicated Award” this year. No artists are getting as much
media attention than you! Good job! (j/k!!)
Speaking of the trapeze performance, I felt so sorry for Eric Tsang and all the bashings everyone is giving him. If you had actually seen the entire segment, other than just Yumiko’s pants getting pulled off, everyone was literally silenced! Even the MCs were speechless. Eric basically was the 1st one to break the moment and crack up a joke. Nothing wrong with that. Its way better then awkward silence with the camera was still rolling and live on TV. Whoever bashed at Eric Tsang, I’m sorry, but I’m against you on this one.
Btw, seeing Kenny Wong, AGAIN, was…ugh! I’m so tire of seeing him over and over and over again! Sure, he won the “Best Supporting Actor” award this year, and his popularity skyrocketed since the airing of “Dance of Passion” but do I have to see him on every variety program I choose to watch! Geez!
Studying...Cramming...same thing

Hi everyone! Sidney here speaking! I'm still around, alive and well if anyone's interested. ;-) Finals or semester exams are this week for me. Whoopie! (twirls finger around) And I'm not in particularly too excited about it. Am I ready? Umm...I can say yes...and I can say no. It all depends on how we look at it. =P An update for this blog should be up by
Friday, December 15th, when my finals are all over! Yay! hehe...so do expect something special! I should have something up my sleeves to post, but that all depends on how well I gather enough sources for it. Until then, leave me a message of good luck as I will definitely need it! =)
*Coffee would be nice, too, if you happen to be brewing any. =D*
Jessica privately visits charitable organizations
*I am on a role with Jessica news these days! Glad to see her in the tabloids so much! Hope you guys do, too! Enjoy reading my rough translations! =) *Source: Mingpao & OrisunTranslated by: Sidney
Yesterday, Jessica Hsuan accepted radio interview with CRHK’s “Share My Song”《有誰共鳴》 sound recording and requested a couple of songs that meant sentimental values to her. In hopes to help raise more funds for the Abandonment Animal Organization, Jessica was in all praises for the organization itself; mentioning how all her dogs were abandoned when she adopted them. Once before her friend lost their cat, but later when they found it, it was already dead, run over by a car!
Jessica had always been a very charitable person, donating old clothes, stuff animals, and even some of the newest electronic games to charitable organization before. Sometimes she donates so much, charitable organizations declined her offerings! Jessica ended up donating the rest to the Salvation Army. Will you be starting your own charitable organization? “No. I don’t think I’ll be able to manage or have the drive to start one on my own. However, whenever I have the time I’ll go around to visit different charitable organizations, helping whomever in need.”
CRHK’s Interview w/ Jessica Hsuan
Source: www.hkheadline.comTranslated by: Sidney
Recently renowned as a gambling addict in “Dicey Business” 《賭場風雲》, Jessica Hsuan yesterday accepted an interview with CRHK’s Eileen Cha [Siu Yun] on her radio program 《巴巴閉邊個夠我查篤撐》. During the interview, Jessica mentioned that she lacks the luck when it comes to gambling. She doesn’t understand it, so would rather occasionally play some Mahjong for fun instead.
At one point, Jessica accidentally mentioned that Myolie Wu’s role in “To Grow with Love” 《肥田囍事》 was once offered to her. However, because the necessity of the gaining and losing the weight so abruptly, along with her current health conditions, Jessica doesn’t think it’s wise for the to accept the role, especially at her age. “I’ll most likely quit after just one day!” Out of all the series Jessica portrayed before, she revealed that her role in “Detective Investigation Files IV” 《刑事偵輯擋案4》 was the hardest series to withdraw herself from falling in love with Louis Koo’s “Chui Fei” character!
*News source was founded by Stephanie @ Jessica Hsuan's forum, so credits to her. =) Jessica Hsuan's CRHK interview is also up for download, and again, credits to Stephanie for finding it. *
Download Here
HK Entertainment v. Hollywood
I don't know about others, but I'm a huge entertainment fanatic. TVB news (of course), other Hong Kong entertainment, and regular Hollywood entertainment that's here in the U.S.
Just this past week or so from what I read in the news, there was Hacken's big wedding, the rumors of the homosexuality of male celebrities (Steven Ma, Sammul Chan, etc.) and the Sammul Chan's stab-in-the-back news. Funny and what a coincidence that all these can be relate back to the Hollywood industry as well. Did the paparazzi run out of topics to write about? hmm...oh well, that is part of their jobs. =/
Hacken's Wedding vs. Tom Cruise's WeddingNovember. What a lovely month for a wedding. 2 major weddings took place, almost back-to-back from each other: Hacken Lee's wedding and Tom Cruises. Hacken Lee and Emily Lo just had their wedding, costing about a $1 million dollars; inviting a grand cast of guests of the entertainment industry. Tom Cruise had his marriage to Katie Holmes, costing...gosh! way too much for a wedding inside a castle, but they had their fair share of a mega-blockbuster guest list, too. Not much differences there, but a minor detail. I don't know if it's Hacken's personal style and his way of expression of love, but why can't I find a single wedding pic that he has his arms wrapped around his wife! Sure, that's a nice pose when you're up on-stage and waiting to get an award, but it's your wedding day! Express your love! Be like Tom Cruise and make your bride feel like she's the most luckiest woman alive! Cheek-to-cheek pics! Hands clasp and rest on heart! Be romantic! (sigh)
Steven Ma vs. Clay AikenI personally think it's pretty funny how tabloids and magazines constantly like to bring up a guy's sexual orientation if there was no news regarding them dating anyone. Dating is a private issue, so there's no obligation that celebs have to announce it the world! (Not everyone is like Tom Cruise; jumping on sofas, etc.) Recently been attack by such issue: Steven Ma (HK) and Clay Aiken (Hollywood). Is it really necessary for paparazzi to question them? I don't think so (reason explained already). Not artists welcome such questions when thrown at them. Steven was calm and collected, having a great laughs at the rumors. But not everyone is like Steven, too. Clay was impatient and agitated; going as far as covering Kelly Ripa's mouth on her own show (Regis and Kelly)! See! Not everyone enjoys hearing these news, and I don't really care for them myself. Find something else to write about please.
Sammul Chan vs. Star ReynoldsHaven't heard much of Sammul Chan of lately, and when we finally do, it's big. Well, for the 2nd time this year, Sammul said he's going to leave TVB in pursuit of a career in the mainland. Don't know if he'll actually leave this time or not, but I'll miss him. Only an okay actor, but he's a good eye-sight to look at onscreen. One of the reasons he mention for leaving was because of a betrayal by one of the 6-Olympic Stars: Ron Ng, Raymond Lam, Bosco Wong, Chris Lai, and Kenneth Ma (Sammul's the 6th). Same situation with Star Reynolds (Hollywood) earlier this year. She was kicked off "The View," mostly because of the betrayal of Barbara Walters. Back-stabbing here and there. That's why the entertainment industry is a dog-eat-dog world. My sympathy goes toward Sammul, and can't really blame him for leaving. Everyone of the original 6-Olympic stars are achieving fame and recognition, but him. The whole "betrayal" issue is probably a sham to make himself look better and win our sympathies! lol...it won mine! So still...poor Sammul.