Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Confirmed Info of "Jade Singers Celebrate TVB Anniversary"

"Jade Singers Celebrate TVB Anniversary" (翡翠歌星賀台慶) will be air live on November 4th, 2006 with artists throughout, coming together to celebrate TVB's 39th Anniversary.


Last year's captain of the male and female side respectively were Nat Chan and Dodo Cheung, who also served as MCs of the night. This year, it's a bit different as instead of Nat taking part, TVB brought in Lui Fong as the male team captain; going head-to-head with his real-life girlfriend, Dodo. Uh oh!!! this really a good idea? Seems very fresh to the audience [me], but at the same time, I don't want to see them fight! Dodo has been a MC for many many years. She's authoritative, she's witty, she can talk fast; basically, she holds a very impressive stage presence that just can't be denied. Lui Fong, on the otherhand, I'm quite worry about him. If you've seen some of his past participations in TVB events, he's a slow talker, attention doesn't draw towards him, and most importantly, he's very very quiet when he talks. You can't be like that if you're to help and argue for the guy's side! He can sing and can hold a note for a very long time, but that really can't help him that night, right? lol...I don't think so, but we'll have to wait and see.

Another confirm info about the night's events is Joey Yung will perform a sexy "sizzling" dance with Jordan Chan. What type of dance, don't know yet. Will they be singing and dancing at the same time, again, don't know either. I'm so not a good news reporter!! hehe... =P hmm...I'm not really a big fan of Jordan Chan. He's just....eww looking to me for some reason. So not quite looking forward to that part. But oh well... I'll still enjoy watching it...I hope.

Gold Label MIA?

Still no news whether Gold Label artists will be there are not. Kinda strange and still disappointed I am. I'm just now starting to like Miriam Yeung a lot now with her singing, and she's not there!! What a bummer! My little brother was watching the "JSG 2006 Selection 2nd Quarter" and I happened to hear Miriam's duet with Edmond Leung, and I got hooked to the song!! It was nice, as Miriam dominated between the 2 artists, yet still enjoyable enough. Lyrics kinda hard to follow, but fun trying. See if you guys like the song! Uploaded it, so enjoy!! =D

Title: "Get Out"(滾)

Artists: Edmond Leung (梁漢文) & Miriam Yeung (楊千嬅)


女:你控訴我 接吻接上癮
密密外遇 令你很痛恨
你呷醋呷上癮 膽敢去諷刺我 不愧是女人
男:平時和人 如何尋開心
  捏著浴巾 去擁抱別人
苦苦的啞忍 離開妳

女:你作個證據 再對我教訓
男:和他搞公司 是你蝦我笨
女:我放棄奮鬥 你至安心
男:跟他幾點鐘 方有著快感
女:堂堂男人 別太過份
男:如何纏他 我當顧問
女:何必於一起 沒半點信任
男:三天不見了 談何被信任

女:睡就睡 男:妳作對
 女:你喝醉 男:請不必屈我喝醉
 女:梳化都給你割碎 男:全都因妳衰*
女:睡就睡 男:妳說對
 女:你撤退 男:跟他好一對愛侶 我走開妳沒負累
 女:請你滾 滾出去
 男:妳愛滾 不配做人 爬出去
 合:鬼上身 趕不退
 男:我有信心 不怕行雷
 女:你去  男:認罪

 女:從未了解你   男:我偏太縱寵妳
 女:我也太縱你   男:妳當我已死
 女:別日夜在妒忌  男:假得妳
 女:我也有吻過你  男:是為著好奇
 合:天都知 你與我 誰人有理
 男:天天想妳    女:才叫你妒忌
 男:彼此躲避    女:自卑的你 日嘈夜嘈 調情亦無味
 男:終於嘲笑我 我愛妳不起


男:和人愛吧抱吧吻吧叫吧去吧舞吧 還是算吧
女:酸吧苦吧哭吧飲吧湯吧癲吧 別要醒吧
女:你不化 男:憎妳 憎我 惹起對罵
女:講真 因你極小家
合:你使我羞家 羞家 真羞家


女:再見 男:不見
女:再見 男:分居


Blogger Em said...

Hey sid! I totally love that song... and yes, I can sing along and keep up! Waiting for the karaoke version to come out now! :)

4:51 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

would you have the translation along with these lyrics?
i'd like them please :)

6:23 AM 

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