Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Come on, HK fans, watch DOP!!

(sigh) If you haven't heard by now, TVB's current airring series, Dance of Passion (火舞黃沙), is not doing as well as expecting in rating wise. Although starting off the 1st episode with a high 36 pts, it all went downhill from there. I encourage you to watch it! The cast is strong and the setting is little dusty but it's still worth your time. Despite the plot moving so slow and numerous long speeches, it's still good. =)

ATV just had a promotional event for their new series (or should I say sequel) Central Affairs 2 (情陷夜中環 II). At the event, Kenneth Chan (陳啟泰) said he heard of the disappointing ratings with DOP and thinks that AC2 will be able to go up against it. So what do you think? Think ATV's Central Affair 2 will top DOP's ratings? I don't think so, but just to be on the safe side, watch DOP!
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