Thursday, September 13, 2007

Kevin replaces Moses for Anniversary Month

(Supposed to leave on the 9th, Kevin stays one more day for photo
shoot with Charmaine, Jessica, and Roger)

Source: Next #914

Every year TVB produces an annual calendar, indicating which artists would TVB promote in the following year. Normally, artists that appear on the calendar are either TVB’s #1 brothers and sisters or artists that are well received by the public. This year TVB will feature over 60 artists in their 2008 calendar, along with only 4 of the months will have location scenery of Taiwan as a background.

Supposedly, on September 9th, Kevin Cheng was to have his calendar photo shoot along with Kate Tsui, Sarah Song, etc. at a Taiwan location scene. However when Kevin found out that he was to pair with Kate, etc. and his calendar month was May (nothing special in May), his face immediately darken and requested to be switched! Originally, scheduled on 10th of September for the November month photo shoot was Charmaine Sheh, Jessica Hsuan, Roger Kwok, and Moses Chan, but due to Moses’ “sudden” flight cancellation, Kevin filled in the vacant spot.

From what was learn, Kevin was unhappy with the pairings TVB made, indicating Kate’s not qualify enough to place along side him. Kevin expressed his dissatisfactions to the executives and at the end, got his way, as Moses is out and he was in.


Blogger Michelle said...

i dont believe that Kevin said such things. i mean, he might've complained to the executives cuz he wanted to be in calendar with more popular pp, but there's no way the media could know that. therefore, i think these stories are rumors. also, i thought that TVB favors Kevin more than Moses, cuz they gave him that best actor award.

7:43 PM 

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