Monday, May 29, 2006
TVB and its Narrations

Earlier I was deliberating with myself and to a couple of friends on what I should watch. Safe Guards (鐵血保鏢) or Le Femme Desperado (女人唔易做). I finally chose LFD, since me and Elaine Yiu still doesn’t click well together. Anyways…I’m just now starting to watch LFD (currently on Episode 3) and so far so good. I was a little surprised that TVB, again, used the narration method for the storyline. When did TVB started using narrations at all?

The first one I can remember TVB narrating was "My Family" (甜孫爺爺); narrated by Hawick Lau. The next one, was "Under the Canopy of Love" (天幕下的戀人); narrated by Kevin Cheng. This time in LFD, it's by Melissa Ng. Seems to me like TVB's using the same method to keep it's air ratings up. Can't remember MF's ratings when airred, but is it just as high as LFD and UTCOL? If so, then I guess my theory is right. Or, HK viewers just like the series alot. What do you think?
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