Sunday, May 28, 2006
Vivian became very emotional at concert

Last night was Vivian Chow’s (周慧敏) “Back for Love 2006 concert;” helding it’s 2nd of 3 concerts at the HK coliseum. Beside having Chris Wong (黃 凱 芹) and Leo Ku (古巨基) as her special guest performers, George Lam (林子祥) was also present in the house and sang an English love song duet with Vivian.
With the fans’ positive response during the concert and so many of her friends arriving just to support her, Vivian became very emotional. While singing one of her tear-jerking songs, “If You only Knew My Reason” (如果你知我苦衷), Vivian couldn’t hold back it and started crying on stage! At the end of the show when Vivian went backstage, the audience chanted for an encore presentation. Once again, Vivian comes back on stage and started to sing; making only halfway through the song before tears started to flow again.
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