Monday, May 29, 2006
Tavia got jilted at the altar

Yesterday, Bobby Au Yeung, Jessica Hsuan, Michael Miu, Bosco Wong, Tavia Yeung, and the rest of the cast were filming a wedding scene for TVB’s new series, “Dou Cheung Fung Wan” (賭場風雲). The scene talks about Bosco and Tavia having their wedding ceremony amongst their family and friends, but Bosco suddenly walked away from Tavia and his wedding! Tearfully, Tavia tried tugging Bosco back; keeping him from leaving. But Bosco just threw Tavia off and making her fall to the ground.
This was Bosco’s second wedding scene he filmed recently of him jilting his wife-to-be at the altar; earning the nickname “runaway groom!” “When I was filming for Under the Canopy of Love (天幕下的戀人), I also left my bride [Niki Chow] on our wedding day. But this time, I found out Michael [Miu] gave money to Tavia to marry me! Prior to the wedding, Tavia even had her chest size reduced in order to please me.”
Having the chest pads off for the day’s filming, Tavia instantly felt relief in her back and waist. But since wearing the pads for over 2 months, Tavia felt rather uncomfortable without it! “I was wearing a 36D for the past couple of months filming. Of course I’m relieved without it! But it feels like something’s missing. Jessica was laughing at me and said I got used having it [upper torso] so big! No…If I had a choice I wouldn’t have want that big. Maybe a B or C size is efficient enough for me. As for going to the Philippines to film next month, I’ll still need to bring the chest pads with me.”
Next month the cast would be flying off to the Philippines to film for some outdoor location scenes. Only limited to bring 15 kg of luggage on the plane, Jessica said she’s most definitely going to bring some skin care products and some sort of entertainment. Will you bring Mahjong as one of your entertainment? “No…I’m just bringing some DVDs to watch.” Currently stressed over the the living arrangements when in the Philippines, as the rented house needs 3 people to a room, but there just so happens to be 4 guys (Bobby, Michael, Bosco, & Hui Siu Hung) and 2 girls (Jessica and Tavia)! Jessica laughingly said, “Me and Tavia sharing a room is a definite. But I’m thinking which of the guys should we share a room with? I think Hui Siu Hung. It’ll be like having another servant to use! Tell him to cook and clean for us!" Earlier, there were rumors of Jessica calling Michael old and not being famous. To this, Jessica denied it and said, “No…I would never say that! That day we [Michael and I] were filming in Tung Lor Waan and a reporter came up to ask for a picture of us. He didn’t even interview us at the end, but left and made up this whole story!”
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