Friday, May 05, 2006
Man's Best Friend/ Song of the Day

Summer vacation is a week away from today and I'm psych about it! Yay! =D Wait! I'm taking summer courses this summer. Never mind! =( Oh well, it's still summer, and that means marathon of TVB series watching!! hehe... Since I'm going to be having lots of free time (I hope) what series should I watch or re-watch?
1.) Detective Investigation Files IV
2.) Cold Blood Warm Heart
3.) Golden Faith
4.) Square Pegs
5.) Witness to a Prosecution
6.) Game of Deceit
7.) Recipe of the Heart
8.) etc.
Can you see a similarity of all the series? If you don't, it's all the Jessica Hsuan series I have! (plus more) I love all of them. They're all very good! I could watch them and re-watch a thousand times! (which I did) =D I'm currently deliberating should I or shouldn't I watch "Man's Best Friend" (寵物情緣). First off, I've never seen it. Secondly, it stars some of my favorite artist: Louis, Jessica, Sammi, etc. Third, I've heard it's bad and that there's really no point to it. hmm...tough decision. What do you guys think?
To refresh your memories a little, here's the themesong to "Man's Best Friend;" making it my Song of the Day. Hope you guys like it! Enjoy!

Song: 真命天子 (Man of my Dreams)
Singer: Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文
Version 1: Music matches exactly to the themevideo (full-version)
Download Here
Version 2: Real version of the song; slight change in music (full-version)
Download Here
*SEN: Doesn't this song fit the series perfectly? Louis Koo! He can be anyone's "真命天子!" hehe...
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