Tuesday, May 02, 2006
War of the Genders (revised)
Sorry for not being able to publish something yesterday. Don't know what happen with TVB Sidsation (my baby). I lost control over everything! I guess it's just teething. hehe...me & my dry humor. =P Anyway, here's a revised version of my "War of the Genders" post. Hope you guys like it!
War of the Genders
Many will probably remember "War of the Genders," produced in 2000, as one of the best comedy series ever! Considered to be an all-time favorite of many TVB fans, Dayo Wong and Carol (Dodo) Cheung's heated battle brewed within a law firm, it brought forth amazing ratings (one of TVB's highest ever) and won the approvals of many viewers. So why not TVB continue on with this hype! (yes, I'm talking about a hype again). Let the battle begin! Here's what I found...

War & Beauty, based on a rivalry of the concubines; trying to win the affection of the emperor. Very female-based storyline and its heated battles. How does TVB counter? With Dance of Passion! Like I said earlier in my previous post, the story is based off of the rivalries of Bowie Lam (Yim clan leader) and Moses Chan ( well...semi-Sung clan). A guy vs. guy thing. Power vs. Power. As I've just heard, Dance of Passion's average for the first night was 36 pts! Very impressive.

If you haven't heard by now, TVB is planning to make or about to release an "All about Women" (女兒紅) cd. Since TVB's hittest "siu sungs" can have their own cd , an All about Men (男人魅) and was a big hit about it, why can't the "fai daans," too. You go girls! Show the men how singing is really done! *Personally, I'm not too sure if they can. "All about Men" was really good. Well...most of it. Remember to buy a copy of "All about Women" when it comes out!*

Battle of the sexes, doesn't just have to be for the younger generations, the older generations are doing just the same! For example, it’s Adam Cheng's series versus Liza Wang's. When "When Rules Turn Loose" (識法代言人), starring Liza Wang, Myolie Wu, Sammul Chan as the main lead (a lawyer series), TVB just had to counter back, releasing "Bar Benders" (非常大狀), another lawyer series I might add, just couple of months right after! Who did better as a lawyer? Liza's or Adam's? (cough....Sammul with Myolie Wu or Leila Tong?) You've seen the series, I haven't. So you tell me!

Okay, this one is hard to choose. I didn't really like neither one! By rating wise, TVB's 2005 hit series, "War of In-Laws" (我的野蠻奶奶) beat "The Driving Power" (非常外父). By popularity wise, WOIL, again, won. But in real life, would we really want a "sassy" mother-in-law or a "really-cool" father-in-law? I guess we like the "sassy" better, since it was hyped so much about. Anyway, female won this point! *lol...Hearing the words "in-laws" sounds pretty intimidating. Good thing, I'm still young and don't have to think about it yet. =) *

TVB is currently airing Le Femme Desperado (女人唔易做). The title means it's hard to be a woman. Which is true, since I'm a female myself and it's hardcore. But again my little "war" theory of the genders, TVB needs to balance out the scale, with 男人之苦 (The Pain in Being a Man). Who said being a woman is hard! Being a man is just as bad! (Of course I don't know!) *FYI: so far, LFD is doing pretty well for it's ratings; averaging 33 pts for its first week; not bad since it was expected to be a flop*
About WAB vs. SS:
OK, sid asked me to explain, lol, long story ;-)
I remember back then, TVB promoted Split Seconds as the "Men's Show", that's what I thought as well. Split Seconds is the underground war between lots of guys. WAB is the palace war between lots of girls. SS with the worst rating of 2004, while WAB has one of the best rating of 2004. That proves female power. Everyone dies in SS, almost everyone dies in WAB as well.
Thanks for the explanation. Very in-depth. I would have never thought of that! =)
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