Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Corrections for "Shocking TVB ratings! Again!"?

I saw that people are correcting me on my post of "Shocking TVB ratings! Again!" I'm so happy!! This is the first time someone had corrected me on my blog! lol...now I will have to defend myself from what I posted! hehe...=) First off, I don't know how it got posted up. I thought I hit "Save as Draft"! But I guess not! lol...I'm still a newbie in blogging, so it's not very surprising that such mistakes are made by me. hehe...=D As for correcting me over the "underrated" versus "overrated." I made a mistake! I agree. I think Under the Canopy of Love is really overrated. Definition term for "overrated": To overestimate the merits of; rate too highly. The series itself isn't really that great, but the series got such high ratings! So for the people who haven't seen the series, they would probably "overestimated" how good it actually is!
As for it being "underrated," I think it works, too! The definition term for it is: To rate too low; underestimate. I thought it fit UTCOL perfectly. Like I said, the cast wasn't all that impressive to me, the storyline was fresh, but nothing amazing, the acting was only so-so for everyone (except for Bosco), yet it got soaring high ratings! With all the cons it had, it still remained steady with its ratings! So for the people who have seen the series, I think we can most definitely say that we "underestimated" it. Don't you think? =)


Blogger tvfansquare said...

lol.. that's a great thought! lol.. sid, a newbie in blogger can soon turning into an expert ;-)

4:15 PM 
Blogger Sidney said...

lol...I don't know yet! RIta is always helping me, so without her, I'm totally lost. Blogging can be so addictive! I like it! hehe...=)

4:42 PM 
Blogger toomanysidesofme said...

(shh...don't tell Sid but she always nags me to help her =P) umm where were we? Yes yes she is so an expert! She shall run over my blog and I shall be jobless

10:00 PM 

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