Friday, March 31, 2006
Roger Kwok reveals his chest for "Pearls of the Orient"

Roger Kwok was seen just the other day at TVB city, filming for his newest TVB series, “Pearls of the Orient” (東方之珠). At the dressing room while changing into his costume, it turns out that the neckline of Roger's shirt was exceptionally low, revealing a big portion of his chest! Roger jokingly said, “It;s baring the back and then the front for everyone to see!” He later explained that in the series, the shirts is suppose to be real low at the neckline, revealing his chest, but Roger’s okay with it, since he tends to get sweaty during filming. The reporter asked Roger if he’ll be okay, wearing the shirt and not catching a cold. Roger said, “I’m not worried! I’m more worry that people are going to take pictures of me! Besides I have my “hair” to keep me warm!” You think the hair looks good? “It just depends on the person.” Do you think the display of your chest will affect Ah Jie when you film with her? “Of course not! Nothing can affect Ah Jie!”
Source: The Sun
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