Thursday, April 13, 2006
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion Countdown: 17 days left!
Today, I'm going to be talking about Maggie Siu exclusively. I hardly ever hear anyone talking about her in any blogs that I've been to, or even in the news that much. So I guess I'm safe to say whatever I like and not have to worry at all! hehe.. =P Oh, and today's feature won't be as long as others. It's not that I don't have much to say, but I have to continue on studying for my exams. I might write more later...if I remember! =)
Maggie Siu: Dance of Passion's Wallflower
Wallflower: One who does not participate in the activity at a social event because of shyness or unpopularity.
hmm...a wallflower. Don't you think the definition fit Maggie perfectly? Out of the whole Dance of Passion cast (the main one), she's receiving the less recognition. Why are they constantly leaving Maggie out? hmm... Last time I checked, she's in the series. She's a veteran of TVB. She's an exceptional actress. She's really does keep herself looking young. What's wrong? Maybe because she's too old for this generation. Maybe her roles have just not brought her to the popularity she deserves. I don't know. What really inspired me to write about Maggie today was from reading this, and I quote, "《 火 舞 黃 沙 》 集 合 無 「 好 戲 」 小 生 花 旦 如 蔡 少 芬 、 黎 姿 、 佘 詩 曼 、 林 保 怡 與 陳 豪 等 之 力" aka "Dance of Passion is the combined strength of TVB's hit "Siu Sungs" and "Fai Dans" Ada Choi, Gigi Lai, Charmaine Sheh, Bowie Lam, and Moses Chan." you guys see what's wrong with that? What happen to Maggie's part? Why wasn't she mentioned in the news? huh...Interesting how reporters word news articles these days.

Quote source: TVB Chinese News Collection
Image source: Jayne Stars ; ; ent.tom
Definition source:
well...a very good website w/ a lot of info about TVB indeed!
And in fact, I recently realised that there are still a lot of Maggie's fans all over the world...thanks to the internet!
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