Sunday, April 09, 2006
The Hype of TVB’s Dance of Passion

Everyone seems to be preparing for another most talked-about TVB series of the year/at the moment: Dance of Passion. Well, who isn’t?! TVBsquare, Toomanysidesofme, and all the TVB fans of the artists seem to be pumped up about it, ever since they knew it was going to be produce. It’s just not the type of series that anyone can be able to resist! Just look, the cast is awesome: Ada Choi (welcome back!), Bowie Lam, Charmaine Sheh, Gigi Lai, Maggie Siu, and Moses Chan!
I’m psyched for its release, too! But not because of Charmaine’s piercing scream, which lots proclaims as one of the most heart-piercing screams ever! (Come on! She was in the canyons when she did that! Canyons do tend to echo back. It's what makes it more so… heart-wrenching, as everyone puts it) Nor is it because of Bowie and Gigi’s bitter dispute of a man/woman’s rights. No…I’m just going to watch it for one person, and that is: Ada Choi!

It has been a long long time since I’ve seen Ada in a TVB series, and I missed that. She’s a wonderful actress in every aspect: Beauty, yes; Grace, yes; Funny, yes; Can Act, most definitely yes. So far, this series is the only one TVB has in stock with Ada in it, and my expectations are running sky high! Having collaborated with all the artists in one series or another, I’m beginning to wonder what I could possibly expect from Ada and the others’ performance this time.

The last series I can think of them together was in Healing Hands 2 (妙手仁心 II) But since Ada was only in there for a couple of episodes, I’ll move on to their other series, Healing Hands (妙手仁心). hehe…=D When they were both working in the hospital as Jackie and Henry, their chemistry was actually very nice. Not the love/romantic chem., but the colleagues/friends relationship. I seriously doubt that that is going to happen, but hey, they both seem to be the villain in this series, so it might turn out that way! =)

I don’t think Charmaine and Ada has ever collaborated in a series before. I might be wrong! But I can’t seem to think of any right now. Hmm….Anyway, if this is true, then this will definitely be a fresh start and a new experience for the both. I’ll like to see how well they can possibly work with each other! Especially the Ada’s slap to Charmaine in the promo clip. Hehe…I like it!

The last time these 2 worked with each other was in TVB’s 2003 series, Fate Twister (黑夜彩虹), but I don’t want to talk about that one. Instead, I remember their collaboration in TVB’s 1993 series, The Link (天伦). This series was very very good! I love it! It was the first I’ve ever seen Gigi and Ada act in a series or together. Ada was the evil one and she can produce a very believable psychological villain. Gigi was the one who changes from the bad girl to the nice girl for her character. Since Ada's the villain in this series, I’m assuming it’ll be a breakthrough role for her. Just because it’s been so long since and different from her her recent years' portrayals. Gigi’s character is still unknown to me, so really can’t refer to her past series. But I’m having high expectations for her, too; mainly for 2 reasons: 1) she won the best actress award and 2) is now being promoted heavily by TVB. Need I to explain more?

Hmm…the only one I can think of them working together was in At the Threshold of an Era (创世纪), but they didn’t share that much screen time together. I guess you can say it’s a fresh start for them, too. Maggie has always delivered her roles in the best performance, but is hardly ever recognized or remembered by either the fans or TVB itself. Besides Ada’s character, I’ll be cheering on Maggie’s. Go Maggie Go!

Last time they worked together, I believe it was for Where the Legend Begins (洛 神). I admit I used to hate Moses with a passion after watching WTLB. He was responsible for what happened to Ada! But my hate for him or anything whatsoever never last very long! I’m just a very easy person who hates a character one minute and loves them the next. hehe…=D Anyway, I heard/read that Charmaine is suppose to the one who has a relationship with Moses, so I assumes that Moses and Ada might not have a whole lot of screen time together. I don’t know yet! We’ll just have to see how well they work together this time around. =)
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